Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gotta Swing teaches over 4,000 students annually at 10 locations, and it is America's largest exclusively swing dance instruction and dance event promotion company. You don't need to bring a partner, experience is not required, and they welcome dancers of all ages at all our events and classes. They strive to create community of swing dancers through lessons and weekly swing dances.

TechMission is a non-profit social service organization that supports Christian organizations by way of using technology to transform and bring justice to impoverished communities in the United States and around the globe. They have developed programs with the vision of bringing over $700 million in resources to at-risk communities in the next ten years, serving over 2,500 ministries through technology.

iEmpathize is a non-profit organization focused on shedding light on injustice around the world, specifically that of child sex trafficking.  It consists of two campaigns, iExplore and iEngage.  The former focuses on inviting people to understand what these victims go through, feeling a portion of their pain, while the latter calls people to be involved in stopping these heinous crimes. iEmpathize partners with other organizations such as businesses, student movements and churches to make their vision a reality.

I would like to work with International Justice Mission, a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression.  IJM works with local governments in 12 countries to ensure victim rescue and prosecute perpetrators. They work to enforce laws already in place in each country, and their work is founded on a Christian call to justice, as found in the Bible: Seek justice, protect the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow (Isaiah 1:17).